Palm Sunday Lizard, Passover Moon
Join Anne and Michael this week as they discuss the deeper meanings of visits by lizards on Palm Sunday, Bomb-sniffing honeybees, Passover Moons, the Vatican (and the mess the Pope […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Join Anne for an episode of The BEST of the Anne Levine Show. The Space Show originally aired September 4th, 2007 and surprisingly enough, has a lot of stuff about space on it. Some new additions to the show (the original recording was a little short) include the theme to Star Trek (the original series) sung by Nichelle Nichols – Star Trek’s Uhura.
The Space Show (revisited)
theannelevineshow March 31, 2010
Join Anne and Michael this week as they discuss the deeper meanings of visits by lizards on Palm Sunday, Bomb-sniffing honeybees, Passover Moons, the Vatican (and the mess the Pope […]