How Much Bacon Do You Really Need?
Summer is on the way so Anne and Michael talk about things like shopping habits, really stupid criminals (or their friends), Catholics and condoms, Jesse James and what idiotic men […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
theannelevineshow June 9, 2010 243
Anne and Michael spend some time discussing the biggest disaster in their lifetime (the Deep Horizon Oil Gusher), Helen Thomas, Gary Coleman and the “Grim Eater”. Nestled amongst these discussions are topics such as Musical chairs with Bob and Ray, Billboards that smell like a barbecue, taking your new liver out for a spin and how much stuff you can smuggle into jail rectally. PLUS: what were Gladiators doing in York and what do you call a French guy with no arms and no legs in the English Channel?
Songs included are: Gasoline and Tell me something good.
Louisiana’s Walrus Population should GO HOME (to Poland and Germany)
Tagged as: Bob and Ray, Wenatchee, The Grim Eater, Steak-Scented Billboards, Oil DISASTER, Liver Transplant, Helen thomas, Gary Coleman, English Channel, Deep Water Horizon, BP, BBQ, Andrew Sullivan.
theannelevineshow May 28, 2010
Summer is on the way so Anne and Michael talk about things like shopping habits, really stupid criminals (or their friends), Catholics and condoms, Jesse James and what idiotic men […]