Revisiting Rants
A cranky Anne is in a wierd space tonight and goes off on myraid subjects including Air Travel, Richard Quest’s backside , Mike Huckabee’s inability to remember the name “Sonia”, […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Here it is, the official end of the summer vacation season and Anne wonders why her friend never got around to seeing Betty Grable in the film “Pin Up”, why customer service jobs end up outsourced to other countries and what happened to the news. Also discussed thoroughly are such diverse elements such as September on Cape Cod, Kanye West’s love for fried chicken and the sad passing of Tanny Marks, one of Anne’s lifelong friends. Also, “Let it lay where Jesus flung it”, The Mosque, a couple of blonde jokes, How the “Jewish People” deal with mourning, the potential stoning of a woman in Iran and the Inquisition. Michael unveils The Anne Levine Bad Co-Host Drinking Game, Jan Brewer “speaks” her mind, Haley Barbour lies about his age, casual sex and its effects on long term relationships, forgetting your glass eye and the Big Yawn that was Earl round out the show in fine fashion.
Going Into Labor
Tagged as: Iran, Unemployment, The Inquisition, The "Jewish People", Tanny Marks, Stoning, Sex Study, Pin Up, Mosque, Mississippi, Kanye West, Jan Brewer, Haley Barbour, Drinking Game, Cape Cod, Blonde Jokes, Betty Grable.
theannelevineshow September 4, 2010
A cranky Anne is in a wierd space tonight and goes off on myraid subjects including Air Travel, Richard Quest’s backside , Mike Huckabee’s inability to remember the name “Sonia”, […]
Benito on September 7, 2010
In the last four months Jan Brewer has been caught lying, three times and counting.
The comments made on June 16, 2010, and June 27, 2010, clearly indicates that the Brewer says that immigrants are beheading people in the United States desert. She first ran away from the question and the press when confronted with the question. She finally when to FOX/ FAKE News to recant her lie.
When Brewer was confronted with the fact the two of her top Advisors (Paul Senseman, Chuck Coughlin) are lobbyist for “Private Prisons” giant CCA she first ran away from the question and the press.
In an attempt to gain sympathy, she first said her father had died in Germany fighting the Nazi in World War II (which ended 1945) but of course we find out the truth that her father was never in Germany and died in California in 1955. Do you see a trend here?
Brewer signed into law SB 1070 Bill (Did she even read it?), lied about the crime rates in AZ (even Janet Napolitano knows that all crimes rates went down), and now we find out that she is in the pockets of PRIVATE PRISONS who stand to benefit with the increase Federal jailing, and thus they will pay her back, I wonder if it has to do anything about the fact that her son was transferred to a brand new prison, he was convicted for rape and sexual assault, I guess the fruit does not fall far the tree.
“Private Prisons Lie”
“AZ Crime Rates”
“Father Lie”
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