The New World Order (and Caffeinated Salmon)
Newt Gingrich thinks President Obama is so outside our comprehension. Also, he’s insane, Michael looks like he should be in Steppenwolf, The New world Order, Yom Kippur and fasting and […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Explore better living through chemistry with Anne and Michael and discover the fascinating world of fashion, many great insights from Christine O’Donnell, turning your puss pink and a wonderful phone conversation with Christopher Hawley. Also: A Well-liked, former international sex working elementary school teacher, the Great Pumpkin Shortage, more insights from Christine O’Donnell, a short review of Upstairs at the Square and the new film, The Town.
Songs include: Autumn in New York and Maybe I’m Amazed
Nero Wolfe, Mice Brains and Personal Gravy
Tagged as: Christine O'Donnell, Upstairs at the Square, The Sopranos is good for you, Pumpkin shortage, Prostitution, Mice with Human Brains, Jewelry, Hookers, Fashion, Christopher Hawley, Bishop Eddie Young, Better Living Through Chemistry, Autumn in New York.
theannelevineshow September 23, 2010
Newt Gingrich thinks President Obama is so outside our comprehension. Also, he’s insane, Michael looks like he should be in Steppenwolf, The New world Order, Yom Kippur and fasting and […]