Inviting North Korea to the Mad Tea Party
Anne and the New Repeater propound the merits of Columbus Day and discuss in depth Anne’s favorite Columbus Day Story, throwing objects at the President, North Korea’s recent military parade, […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Michael’s lowest note, The Social Network, Howl, traveling in time back to 1991, what kind of wine do you serve with Audioli, the melodic Trent Reznor, Audio Wave patterns, Gay Teen suicides, The Trevor Project, GLSEN and Michael shows a cartoon.
Also: Fancy oysters, Michael messes up the station ID, the New Repeater, Ting’s “Half Face Test”, the Mad Men season finale, Glee, New babies for gay guys, the newest “Must Read” book, President Obama comes to town, election predictions and the wrongness that is Christine O’Donnell. PLUS: 33 Chileans come to visit for a couple months.
Howling in 1991
Tagged as: Glee, Trent Reznor, TING, The Trevor Project, The Social Network, Suicide, Oysters, Obama, Nine Inch Nails, Neil Patrick Harris, Mad Men, Howl, GLSEN, Gay Teens, DeVal Patrick, Christine O'Donnell, Chilean Mine Recue, Chile, Boston, Allen Ginsburg.
theannelevineshow October 12, 2010
Anne and the New Repeater propound the merits of Columbus Day and discuss in depth Anne’s favorite Columbus Day Story, throwing objects at the President, North Korea’s recent military parade, […]