Apology Accepted
Take a stroll down Lover’s Lane on Valentine’s Day with Anne and Michael and find out what kind of stuff they’re going to do. Michael gives listeners the silent treatment, […]
Daydream Drama Michael
Celebrate the magically combined birthdays of two of our most famous Presidents with Anne and Michael while listening to them discuss the origins of President’s Day, George Bushisms, News from the Dunes™ (north of 6A), the ExactOWeather© forecast and some incredible mandolin music. Also: Jimmy Fallon sings a President’s Day song, Bill Clinton plays saxophone, Wisconsin and Libya heat up, remembrance of the Triangle fire and a visit with Buckles and Hambone™. Plus: Oscar talk
Songs include: Populism (Yeah Yeah) and Heart of the Heartland
President’s Day
Tagged as: Garrison Keillor, Wisconsin, President's Day, Oscars, News from the Dunes™, Massachusetts, Labor Unions, Jimmy Fallon, ILGWU, Holidaypalooza™, Dennis, Cherry Pie, Bill Clinton, Arsenio Hall.
theannelevineshow February 14, 2011
Take a stroll down Lover’s Lane on Valentine’s Day with Anne and Michael and find out what kind of stuff they’re going to do. Michael gives listeners the silent treatment, […]
William (Bill) Baguskas on February 22, 2011
Hi Anne! I enjoyed your President’s Day show very much. I tuned into your show during my delivery job. I’ll look forward to your future shows. I live in the Worcester, MA area. Sincerely, Bill Baguskas
Anne on February 23, 2011
Hi Bill. Thanks for writing. We love getting feedback from our listeners.
I am glad you enjoyed the show and hope you will tune in again.
All the best,
Anne Levine
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