Hero Worship
This is the Hero Worship Show and if you are a listener to The Anne Levine Show, then you can probably guess who the Hero is. Tune in for such […]
Daydream Drama Michael
Tonight’s Show, “Guilty Pleasures”, along with Anne’s history in a nutshellâ„¢, features an interview with Co-opted author Joan Bigwood, poetry read by Billy Collins, and of course the usual fun and hijinx. Also, some Guilty Pleasures like 80’s R&B songs about sugar, sex and candy. Plus: movies, books, parents growing old, Poets, Labor Day and 9/11.
Songs include: Sugar Sugar and Magnolia
Tagged as: Philip Levine, Growing Old, Jacob Moon, Jewelry, Joan Bigwood, Kevin Sessums, Labor Day, LAM Treatment Alliance, Michael's Midnight Matinee, Parents, Garrison Keillor, Summer, The Debt, The Help, WFMR, Will Ferrell, WOMR, WOMR Radio Variety Hour, Billy Collins, Christopher Hawley, Co-Opted, Everything Must Go, Fashion.
theannelevineshow August 23, 2011
This is the Hero Worship Show and if you are a listener to The Anne Levine Show, then you can probably guess who the Hero is. Tune in for such […]