Castor & Pollux (You Figure It Out)
What do a full time writer/poet/author/Editor and a stage,screen and television writer have in common? I don’t know but if you listen to this week’s show you may find out. […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Tonight’s guest is David Gessner, author of several books, including Sick of Nature, The Prophet of Dry Hill, and Return of the Osprey, which was chosen by the Boston Globe as one of the top ten nonfiction books of the year and the Book-of-the-Month club as one of its top books of the year. His latest books, which came out this year are: The Tarball Chronicles: A Journey Beyond the Oiled Pelican and Into the Heart of the Gulf Oil Spill and My Green Manifesto, Down the Charles River in Pursuit of a New Environmentalism PLUS: Yom Kippur, Mormonism, Listener letters and News from the Dunes™.
Tagged as: North Carolina, David Gessner, Drugs, Gulf Coast, Gulf Oil Spill, Mitt Romney, Mormon, Mormonism, My Green Manifesto, D-Y Football, President Obama, Republican, Sons of Erin, Spice, The Book of Mormon, The Tarball Chronicles, Yarmouth, Bath Salts, Boston, BP, Charles River.
theannelevineshow October 4, 2011
What do a full time writer/poet/author/Editor and a stage,screen and television writer have in common? I don’t know but if you listen to this week’s show you may find out. […]