The Funeral of Etta James, a “Manual” singer, The DE-Baptism Movement, Nutrition Choices and There’s No Yogurt Here™ are some of the BIG topics on tonight’s Anne Levine Show. Also: […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
It’s a big show tonight on The Anne Levine Show Starring Michael Hill. In addition to Dylan Brody (Purveyor of Fine Words and Phrases™), tonight’s show includes: A Newly “crowned” King (Bishop-Pedophile Eddie Long), School Lunches, Super Bowl Opinions and a Fond Farewell to Helen Goolishian. Also: An Anne Levine Show Contest, What Cape Cod is NOT and a REALLY BAD American Idol audition. Plus: News From The Dunes™. Also: Bad Kidnapping Ideas.
Songs Include: Tuna, the Food of My Soul and I’ll Be Seeing You
Tagged as: Ralph Messer, Football, Garrison Keillor, Giants, Hele Goolishian, King, M. I. A., Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Nutrition, Patriots, Rabbi, Dylan Brody, School Lunch, Sex Scandal, Super Bowl, Super Bowl XLVI, The New York Dada Festival, Torah, Treasure Hunting, Twitter, YouTube, ADL, Axe Body Spray, Bishop Eddie Long, Cape Cod, Chris Isaak, Contest, Divorce, Dolphin Strandings.
theannelevineshow January 31, 2012
The Funeral of Etta James, a “Manual” singer, The DE-Baptism Movement, Nutrition Choices and There’s No Yogurt Here™ are some of the BIG topics on tonight’s Anne Levine Show. Also: […]