Coming UP
MONDAY on The Anne Levine Show: We spend some time with Survivor: One World Castaway and stand-up comedian Bill Posley and The Triple Threat: Rick Shapiro who has a new […]
Daydream Drama Michael
In celebration of 30 years of unique and inspiring radio on the Outer Cape, we are having a party! Bill Posley, Stand Up Comedian, U.S. Veteran and castaway from the CBS television show Survivor: One World visits, followed shortly thereafter by a truly unique individual: Rick Shapiro may just be another pretty face to many of you but to us… He’s our other guest. AND HE’S VERY FUNNY. He also has a HUGE movie, a book and a NEW CD.
Song includes: Bits and Pieces
Tagged as: Rick Shapiro, CBS, Comedy, Dylan Brody, Film, Los Angeles, Louis CK, Lucky Louie, Pootie Tang, Project X, Catalyst For Change, Stand Up, Survivor, Survivor: One World, T-Rick, Television, TV, Unfiltered, Vlad the Retailer, Bill Posley, Bill Posley Comedy, California.
theannelevineshow March 23, 2012
MONDAY on The Anne Levine Show: We spend some time with Survivor: One World Castaway and stand-up comedian Bill Posley and The Triple Threat: Rick Shapiro who has a new […]