Dylan Brody: No Longer Grunting
Dylan Brody, Purveyor of Fine Words and Phrases™ joins Anne and Michael on the show tonight! Dylan’s newest CD from Standup Records, “Writ Large” is now available at Amazon and […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Birthdays, Hermit Bacon, Unwittingly Smuggling Pot, Newman is Drooling and Fox “News” says Zooey Deschanel is a terrorist. Also: Austrian Wallaby Wanderings, Reese has gone to pieces, busting drunk kids and NOT TALKING ABOUT BOSTON. Not. Plus: TV Addictions, The World’s Strongest Vagina, News From the Dunes™ and The Bird Report™.
Songs include: Grounds for Divorce
Tagged as: Oldest Man in the world, Downton Abbey, Fox "News", Hermit, Homeland, Japan, Juvenile Drinking, Mexican Mule, Newman, News from the Dunes™, Cocoa the Ironic Wedge-shaped Cat, Pot Smuggling, Reese WItherspoon, Shameless, The Bird Report™, Timberland and Joker, Vinny Levine, World's Strongest Vagina, Zooey Deschanel, Austrian Wallabies, Boston Marathon Bombings, Breaking Bad.
theannelevineshow April 16, 2013
Dylan Brody, Purveyor of Fine Words and Phrases™ joins Anne and Michael on the show tonight! Dylan’s newest CD from Standup Records, “Writ Large” is now available at Amazon and […]