Billy is the exception, Be annoying, the history of nail salons, SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP, elementary school turkeys, Iris Apfel, slicing bananas in your spaghetti, Somalia and SO Here’s […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Billy Barmmer’s Birthday(!), Why Anne Hates RJ, Social Stimulation, FLU SHOT, Everything About Them Just Rubs You The Wrong Way™, Michael has Mommy Issues and NEW STUFF FROM DYLAN BRODY! Also: Plastic Surgery, Dislocated Shoulders, The Alternate Olympics™ (we call them the “Alympics™”), Town Hall Meeting, Government Shutdown Pisses Off Witches, A Cat With 10 Toes (on one foot), News From the Dunes™, Pole Vaulting and Beating John McEnroe at his own game.
Tagged as: Mom, Alympics™, BIlly Barmmer, Dylan Brody, FLU, FLU SHOT, Government Shutdown, Joe and Kathy Brillinger, John McEnroe, Kelly Ripa, 508 A L8 WAXER™, Pinafore, Provincetown, RJ Solbach, Salem, The Alternate Olympics™, The Mountain Goats, Town Hall, Turkey Chili, 1692.
theannelevineshow October 1, 2013
Billy is the exception, Be annoying, the history of nail salons, SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP SHOP, elementary school turkeys, Iris Apfel, slicing bananas in your spaghetti, Somalia and SO Here’s […]