Snow Rage
Steve Bluestein is on the show! Steve’s new book, 49 1/2 Shades of Blue, Stein is earning rave reviews! Anne and Steve talk books, theater and Russian Ancestry. Also: Yet […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
How to notice the change in seasons, Michael is Sad, the Old People’s Show, Medical Marijuana and Ted Ligety’s Dad Cops A Celebratory Feel. Also: How to settle the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan question once and for all, The Anne Levine Show Cape Cod Menu Rewrite Contest, News From the Dunes™ and a Fiasco.
Tagged as: 2014 Winter Olympics, Tonya Harding, The Anne LEvine Show Cape Cod Menu Rewrite Contest, Ted Ligety, Sting, Paul Simon, Olympics, Old People's Concert, News from the Dunes™, Nancy Kerrigan, Medical Marijuana, Ice Skating, Chainsaws, Chainsaw Skating.
theannelevineshow February 18, 2014
Steve Bluestein is on the show! Steve’s new book, 49 1/2 Shades of Blue, Stein is earning rave reviews! Anne and Steve talk books, theater and Russian Ancestry. Also: Yet […]