The Anne Levine American Sniper Lifestyle Diet
What’s to talk about besides the Snow and the Cold? Not much really except maybe The SNL 40th anniversary Special, Beach Landscaping, The Whole Nine Yards, Better Call Saul, The […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Double-dog daring God, The 87th Oscars, How Twitter works, The Opening Number, The Red Carpet, Patricia Arquette needs a raise, Lady GaGa’s favorite things, Razor-like knives (and where to buy them) and What Acting Is. Plus: Joan and Elaine get dissed, visitors from far away, Cut & ColorCorrection™ and The Sex Box on your TV.
Tagged as: Red Carpet, Lady GaGa, Lupita Nyongo, Michael Hill, Neil Patrick Harris, NPH, Patricia Arquette, Pearls, Project Runway, KNIVES, sharp things, slice and dice, The 87th Academy Awards, The Opening Number™, The Sex Box, The Winter Slog, Twitter, Fashion, Feeling Ugliness, Ginsu Knife, GOD, Gwenyth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez.
theannelevineshow February 17, 2015
What’s to talk about besides the Snow and the Cold? Not much really except maybe The SNL 40th anniversary Special, Beach Landscaping, The Whole Nine Yards, Better Call Saul, The […]