Mission: Impossible
Anne’s birthday, Dinner out and The Whole Story of Tante Elaine™ are all we have time for in this episode but it’s enough! Plus: Lloyd visits the studio.
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Hello and come on in, Spanish with an Italian accent, Federated ate the world, Coloring Pee, Scientology, The CN Tower and walking on air. Plus: Mike Huckabee says an utterly stupid thing, The Holocaust, Doing your own stunts, Brooks Brothers are Old Fashioned, MORE BIRTHDAY and One Type of Person This Happens to. Also: Night Will Fall, Ronna & Beverly and The More You Know.
Tagged as: Mike Huckabee, Brooks Brothers, Donald Trump, Fashion, Federated Stores, Frederick & Nelson, Hitler, Holocaust, Languages, Bon Marche, Online Shopping, Politics, Ronna & Beverly, Sally & Avery, Seattle, The Wedding, Wedding, Anne Levine, Birthday.
theannelevineshow July 21, 2015
Anne’s birthday, Dinner out and The Whole Story of Tante Elaine™ are all we have time for in this episode but it’s enough! Plus: Lloyd visits the studio.