Indigenous Repeat Day
Enjoy this Repeat episode of The Anne Levine Show from 2013: Michael struggles with his Resolutions, Anne Loves Columbus Day, Did I Just say That?™, Pizzeria Salad, Sliced Apples and […]
A Somalian Goodbye Michael
An education on Israel and Palestine, Anne feels better about German, Speaking Yiddish, The Bird Report™, Dump Dinners, Tracy Morgan and Larry David is Bernie Sanders.
Tagged as: Palestine, Dump Dinners, Food, Gaza, Goats, Israel, Larry David, Larry Levine, Middle East, Crock Pots, Politics, Saturday Night Live, SNL, Stupid People, Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, West Bank, Alec Baldwin, Anne Levine, Bernie Sanders, Brian Fellows, Crock Pot Cooking.
theannelevineshow October 13, 2015
Enjoy this Repeat episode of The Anne Levine Show from 2013: Michael struggles with his Resolutions, Anne Loves Columbus Day, Did I Just say That?™, Pizzeria Salad, Sliced Apples and […]