Happy Happy Birthday Birthday!!
Happy birthday Anne Levine and EVERYBODY ELSE in the universe! Plus: Current Events, Politics, Summer Time, BAD Restaurant Policy, Straight Outta Egypt, Going Places and The Giant Inflatable Swan. Also: […]
A Somalian Goodbye Michael
This is not the news™ The RNC and Donald’s “entrance”, Waffen SS on an old Trump Tweet, Liars & their lying lies, The Democratic National Convention, Equal Opportunity Abusers, Debbie’s Jew-Fro, Shooting Innocent People FOR NO REASON, Poo Poo Diapers and $133 French Fries. PLUS: Going to the Not-As-Exciting Red Sox Game, Kids These Days™, Brad Watson’s New Book, MISS JANE, The Hunt For The Wilderpeople and PLEASE Remember to support our Wonderful Station, WOMR/WFMR!
Tagged as: New York Times Book Review, Equal Opportunity Abuser, Fenway Park, Hair, Kids These Days, Mein Trumpf, Melania Trump, Miss Jane, Nell Hanley, DNC, Red Sox, Republican National Convention, Rhys Darby, Ricky Baker, RNC, The Hunt For The Wilderpeople, Waffen SS, Blame it on the Intern™, Brad Watson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic National Convention.
theannelevineshow July 19, 2016
Happy birthday Anne Levine and EVERYBODY ELSE in the universe! Plus: Current Events, Politics, Summer Time, BAD Restaurant Policy, Straight Outta Egypt, Going Places and The Giant Inflatable Swan. Also: […]