Meat and Potatoes
It’s ELECTION DAY! Please remember to vote! Vote Local! Legalize or Not? Knishes with Extra Mustard, THE GREAT POTATO CHIP TASTE TEST, GLITTER, VEGANS, RACISM and What will the pundits […]
Daydream Drama Michael
So… How was YOUR week, Going to the Symphony, Tell me what you remember, Impressionism, Prostate Trouble, The Bird Reportâ„¢ and HAPPY NATIONAL PICKLE DAY! Also: Animal Hoarding, Swimming the Atlantic Ocean and WHO ATE MY PIECE OF PIZZA?
Tagged as: PIckled Grapes with Cardamom, De Bussy, French Music, Lary, Legal Pot, Medical Marijuana, Music, National Pickle Day, Nyad, Ocean, Classical Music, Pickles, Politics, Ravel, Swimming, THAT happened, The Bird Reportâ„¢, Weed, Animal Hoarding, Atlantic Ocean, Cape Cod Symphony.
theannelevineshow November 8, 2016
It’s ELECTION DAY! Please remember to vote! Vote Local! Legalize or Not? Knishes with Extra Mustard, THE GREAT POTATO CHIP TASTE TEST, GLITTER, VEGANS, RACISM and What will the pundits […]