The Clowns 8 Doors Down
WHAT DAY IS IT, Which concert would you rather go to, Tie A Yellow Ribbon, MEMORIES (haha), Speed Scrabble with Len, Crap’n-Apple, The End of the Circus and Where to […]
Daydream Drama Michael
It’s the End of the World as we Know it, Happy Birthdays, The 2017 Women’s March, Protesting, LAPTOP ISSUES, Cabinet Appointments, Betsy DeVos, Planned Parenthood, Kellyanne Conway, The Bald Piano Guy, All Wives Matter and Sean Spicer’s Fashion Troubles. PLUS: ALTERNATIVE FACTS – Anne Levine is now a size 4 and Michael is 6′ 4″ tall and Kellyanne Conway looked Great in her Gucci (NOT made in America).
Tagged as: President, Gucci, Heavy Hearts, History, Kellyanne Conway, LAM, Laptop Issues, Laptop Warranty, March for LAM, Planned Parenthood, Fashion, Presidential LIES, Protesting, Protestors, Sean Spicer, The Bald Piano Guy, Without My Healthcare I Will Die, Women's March, Women's Rights, 'N' Stuff, All Wives Matter, ALTERNATE FACTS, Alternative facts, Asurion, Computer Protection Plan, Election, Falmouth.
theannelevineshow January 17, 2017
WHAT DAY IS IT, Which concert would you rather go to, Tie A Yellow Ribbon, MEMORIES (haha), Speed Scrabble with Len, Crap’n-Apple, The End of the Circus and Where to […]