The Worst Show Ever
Coming In Hot, The Apalling Catastrophe (Chokingly Bad) show called Murder for Two, Anne in her pants, Cargo Shorts, Winning the Lottery 32 times, BACK TO SCHOOL, Problems Getting Fed, […]
A Somalian Goodbye Michael
Liel Leibovitz speaks with Anne on everything from the delights of Provincetown and video games to politics, Zionism, language and vegan lasagna. Liel is an Israeli/American academic, philosopher and writer. He has published six scholarly works and innumerable articles. His work has appeared in The Nation, The Republic, Jewish Week, Wired Magazine and more. Liel has a PhD from Columbia and was a Professor of media, culture and communication at NYU. He is currently a senior writer and editor of Tablet Magazine and an anchor of the Unorthodox podcast on Slate’s Panoply Network. Liel is brilliant and hilarious. Enjoy!
Tagged as: One State Solution, J Street, Jewish Voices For Peace, John Cleese, King Vidor, Liel Leibovitz, Messianic Leftists, Nationalism, Netanyahu, Israel, Palestine, Somewheres, The Benedict Option, The god in the Machines: video games as religious pursuit, Two State Solution, Video Games, Waiting For Godot, AntiFa, Everwheres, Gaza, Gentile of the Week, heidegger, Holocaust Denial.
theannelevineshow August 29, 2017
Coming In Hot, The Apalling Catastrophe (Chokingly Bad) show called Murder for Two, Anne in her pants, Cargo Shorts, Winning the Lottery 32 times, BACK TO SCHOOL, Problems Getting Fed, […]