Thanks Again!
This is a BEST OF Broadcast, Originally aired 11/16/10 Anne discusses politics and pickles with show correspondent Daniel “Auntie Frenchy” Button (Mrs.), A long time listener calls in with a […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Two weeks of stuff, Vending Machines for the Rough Sleepers, What is making the noise, What Women Need, The Good Samaritan gets a BIG Surprise, In Lieu of the donation you wanted me to make, Black Friday GUN SALES, and The Supreme Court Takes a Pass. The woman from Downton Abbey goes South Western, NO FUN ON FACEBOOK, A Special Manger Scene (with a bite out of it), The Word of the Year, Current Events and Stuff™, Caviar, Lady Bird, Darkest Hour (or the Great Man Theory of History), We Shall NEVER Surrender, The Mooch gets uninvited, BAD RABBI, A Traditional Thanksgiving and the Golden Age of Everything.
Tagged as: Philadelphia, COMPLICIT, Current Events, Darkest Hour,, Donating to Charity, England, Film, Good Samaritan, Gun Background Checks, Gun Sales, Homeless Shelters, Lady Bird, Leslie Hosley, Christmas Charity, Professional Wrestling, Record Gun Sales, Rough Sleepers, Smoked Salmon, Thanksgiving, The Bird is the Word, The Golden Age, The Word of the Year, Vending Machines For The Homeless, Winston Churchill, Yiddish, Yiddish Theater, Bad Rabbi, Black Friday, Canapes, Cape Cod Cinema, Caviar, Chanukah, Charity, Chowder Access, Christmas.
theannelevineshow November 21, 2017
This is a BEST OF Broadcast, Originally aired 11/16/10 Anne discusses politics and pickles with show correspondent Daniel “Auntie Frenchy” Button (Mrs.), A long time listener calls in with a […]