Touch and Run
SUPERMOON, Certainly Science-y, Anne the Grinchiest, Fake Christmas Feelings, The Back-Way Time Capsule™, Godless, No Television Shows For Christmas, Visions of Super Bowls Past, Anne tells you how Buy a […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
The excitement of the holidays, SO over it, The WORST Christmas Sweater, The Miracle of Hanukkah, The Human Car Wash, The WOMR/WFMR Capital Improvements Drive, Douchey Squirrel Behavior and Weed Wreaths. Also: Israeli Weed Donuts, The Book Club™, Sex in the Desert, Noah Hawley, Michael’s Owl, Religious Whackos, The 144,000, Sugar Wars, Politics, The Indian Detective, Hearing from Ezra, Canuck Attack, The Cat in the background and Thank You Rachel!
Tagged as: Merit Wever, Douchebag Squirrels, Fargo, Fried Sweets, Georgia O'Keefe, Go squirrels, Hanukkah, HFCS, High Fructose Corn Syrup, HOHOHO, Holiday Vandalism, Human Car Wash, ISIS, Kathy Griffin, Crispy Radio, Mexican Coke, No Squirrels, Painting, Russell Peters, Sarah Lawrence, Sex, Sugar Wars, The Dublin Murder Squad, The Indian Detective, Vandalism, Weed Wreaths, Whore's Bath, 144000, Amy Nicole, Bathing, Canuck Attack, Chanukah, Christmas, Christmas Lights Cut, Christmas Squirrel, Christmas Sweater.
theannelevineshow December 5, 2017
SUPERMOON, Certainly Science-y, Anne the Grinchiest, Fake Christmas Feelings, The Back-Way Time Capsule™, Godless, No Television Shows For Christmas, Visions of Super Bowls Past, Anne tells you how Buy a […]