Obvious Grandpa, Telling people where to go, Impossible to get anywhere, The Two Little Things Anne Can’t Do, Getting a Great Deal on Birkenstocks, EXPENSIVE SNEAKERS, Trendspotting, and the Work […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Dedicated to our newest friends:
Getting every minute of summer that you can, SORRY, Ham Throw 2018, Scarlett comes to visit. Also, Three AMAZING women hang out at the crib, The Reasons People Come to America, Making Home a Better Place, Getting organized, Feeding 40,000 people, Early Rosh Hashana Dinner (Kind of), Our Newly Adopted Daughter, Neil Simon, and McCain, The AMAZING LISA MARSHALL, and Anne’s inappropriate behavior was covered up like cat poo.
Plus: Tim and Joanie, a SPATCHCOCKED CHICKEN, Aretha sings opera, The Pendulum, The thing about Michael, Podcast Stuff, Anne doesn’t like Elvis, The Promised (Podcast), Revisionist History, and GO MEET SOMEONE.
Tagged as: Elvis, spatchcocked chicken, Scarlett Comes to visit, RUGS, Rosh Hashana, Roksana, Rachael, Megadarra, Malcolm Gladwell, Malahat, Lisa Marshall, Lebanese Food, Khouri Rugs, Kabobs, Hummus, Bangladesh, Aretha, Airokhsh, Afghanistan.
theannelevineshow August 21, 2018
Obvious Grandpa, Telling people where to go, Impossible to get anywhere, The Two Little Things Anne Can’t Do, Getting a Great Deal on Birkenstocks, EXPENSIVE SNEAKERS, Trendspotting, and the Work […]