Toy Boils
We were going to Pass Over Passover, however, our Passover Seder for 5779 brought the fun: A Plague of Frogs, Toy Boils, Email from Elijah, The Bitter Herb™ Incident, Arthur […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
MMM… TOASTY theannelevineshow
Anti-semitism, Terrorism, Shootings, White Supremacists, and Religious Strife are at the core of this week’s show along with Infamous Cough Syrups from the Past™, The truth behind the Cold War’s Duck and Cover™, Seder Ghosts, The Post Office Story®, The Bird Report™. The Orange Street News Fights for their 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of the Press, 10,000 Lies, The TOAST MAP, Show Your Work, Nicole Kidman is a Vampire (probably), TV and stuff. Also: Destroyer and Michael’s Midnight Matinee.
theannelevineshow April 23, 2019
We were going to Pass Over Passover, however, our Passover Seder for 5779 brought the fun: A Plague of Frogs, Toy Boils, Email from Elijah, The Bitter Herb™ Incident, Arthur […]