Hey Mikey!
An Eternally Awkward Show with: Canada Day up Canada Way with Stompin’ Tom, Required Holiday Food, Cottages and Odd Accents, Wimbledon Day One Surprises, Forced Skirting, Ivanka Optics, Upside Down […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Blame it on the rain theannelevineshow
Wouldn’t it be great if Lionel Ritchie really was Milli Vanilli, An Amazing Weather Week, The Intensive New Thing™, Are You With Me, The Big Combo-War, We Shall fight Them in the Terminals, The Rain is the Real Problem, Not THAT Brain, A Kind of Groovy 4th, Nobody’s Perfect, Indulgences, Shout Out to Scooter, and the Big Keanu Thing. Also: The Most Boring Roadside Attractions, Stupid People Getting Injured, The Jaws of Life Turn to Crime, Giving Money to Iowans, Hickenlooper Bails, The Little Mermaid CONTROVERSY, Florida Man Stories, Not Everyone Believes the Holocaust Happened, Schadenfreude, Sweet Schadenfreude, Vineyard vines, Blue Bell Lickers, Fireworks Racism, and Lights For Liberty.
Tagged as: Racism, Blaming it on the Rain, Blue Bell, Boca Raton, Florida Men, Independence Day, John Davis, Lights For Liberty, Loud Rash Guard, Milli Vanilli, Most Boring Tourist Trap in Every State, Airport Warfare, Running of the Bulls, Schadenfraude, The Big Combo War, The Big Keanu Thing, The Forgettysburg Address, The Little Mermaid, The Matrix, Vineyard Vines, A Groovy 4th.
theannelevineshow July 1, 2019
An Eternally Awkward Show with: Canada Day up Canada Way with Stompin’ Tom, Required Holiday Food, Cottages and Odd Accents, Wimbledon Day One Surprises, Forced Skirting, Ivanka Optics, Upside Down […]