A Bit of Up Yours
The Golden Globes brought us Gwyneth’s Goop, Charlize’s Lucky Charms, Beanie’s Dazzling Navy, A Green Christmas Tree Angel, The Brosnan Boys, Dame Judy’s Backside, A New Birthday Tradition (Jo Jo […]
Sondra Entendre theannelevineshow
A nostalgic song from the 1900s, Sondra Watkins Rubin (Adventurer, Fashion Plate), Ballsier, Brassier, Funnier, and Stronger, Sitting Shiva, Food, Death in the Family, 14 boxes of Sprinkle Cookies, and where to find a decent bagel in Washington, DC. Plus: Problems with Poland, Twitter War, Ilana Glazer, Dana Carvey (Standup comedy), Steve Martin Short Show (Comedy), Medical Police (TV), Oscar Talk, MasterClass, Writing About People You Know, More FOOD, Diego Gets It On (Tortoise), Real Housewives of New Jersey (OMG WATCH), and More Sondra.
Tagged as: Poland, Auschwitz, Dana Carvey, Ilana Glazer, Masterclass, Medical Police, Merida, Mexico, Real Housewives of New Jersey, Sitting Shiva, Sondra Watkins Rubin, The Cure, TV, Washington DC.
theannelevineshow January 7, 2020
The Golden Globes brought us Gwyneth’s Goop, Charlize’s Lucky Charms, Beanie’s Dazzling Navy, A Green Christmas Tree Angel, The Brosnan Boys, Dame Judy’s Backside, A New Birthday Tradition (Jo Jo […]