Hunkered down on March Tense, recorded at the Secret Bunker™, NOT the thing to do right now, VIRUS STUFF, Italy is closed, The Gov’t tells Jim Bakker to STFU, Wait […]
A Somalian Goodbye Michael
The Great Pig Fire theannelevineshow
Scary Pockets/Dirty Knobs, I’maHaddaSay™, Reading Talmud (and HOW TO SAY IT), Enraging Anne, Wash Your Hands, “Levels” of Cleanliness, Virus Stuff, Still Going Out For Meals (WTF?), Kosher Restaurant Factoid, Israeli Wedding Ideas, and NEW RULES. Plus: This Week Tonight’s Weird Show, Not Licking the Toilet Seat, Horrible New Hostess™ Products, Price Gouging, ADULTS at the DEBATE (who knew?), The Price of Being Sick, WHY THE PANIC, Worrying about The People, PARTY LINE, It took only a few days for the pollution to go away, Non-Exploding Pigs, Food, Danish Exchange Rates, and Anne Levine – Finder of Everything.
Tagged as: Talmudic, Talmud, Scary Pockets, Religion, Dirty Knobs.
theannelevineshow March 10, 2020
Hunkered down on March Tense, recorded at the Secret Bunker™, NOT the thing to do right now, VIRUS STUFF, Italy is closed, The Gov’t tells Jim Bakker to STFU, Wait […]