Not Even Close To a Knish
Politics (Israeli election, Amy & Pete, Uncle Joe, Liz and Bernie), Covid-19 (Corona Virus) is emptying arenas worldwide, Two Percent, New Invention (Sweater Gloves), And Now Let’s Talk About Something […]
A Somalian Goodbye Michael
Cart-Ee-YAY! theannelevineshow
Hunkered down on March Tense, recorded at the Secret Bunker™, NOT the thing to do right now, VIRUS STUFF, Italy is closed, The Gov’t tells Jim Bakker to STFU, Wait A Minute™, Milan Closed, Sad Story (Almost Sophie’s Choice), Less Spooky Please, MRI, The SARS, The Secret of The Bird Flu, SHOPPING THERAPY (Cart-EE-Yay™ Copy right 2020 Anne Levine you can’t have this idea), and Going to Paris Museums for free. Plus: Bicycle Accidents, Homeland, PURIM, The Kentaco (OH BOY), Dog Jobs, The Perfect (Not Racist) Dog™, Build-A-Dog™, CRISPR, Lab-Grown Pork, Abominations, and Doctor Doctor Tomorrow Tomorrow.
Tagged as: FLU, Anne Levine, Build-A-Dog, Cart-Ee-Yay™, Coronavirus, CRISPR, Fear, France, Homeland, Italy, Jim Bakker, Lab-Grown Meat, Pandemic, Paris, Purim, The Kentaco, Virus.
theannelevineshow March 3, 2020
Politics (Israeli election, Amy & Pete, Uncle Joe, Liz and Bernie), Covid-19 (Corona Virus) is emptying arenas worldwide, Two Percent, New Invention (Sweater Gloves), And Now Let’s Talk About Something […]