Spackle Me Baby
Amy Cooper is going away (all up in that business), Ivanka (The New Karen™), Talking Summer Skin Care, Covid Stuff (Not Going Away), “No Makeup Makeup,” (2 Options), Spackle Me […]
A Somalian Goodbye Michael
The Man With The Alligator Murse theannelevineshow
Happy Bastille Day, A Most Horrific Anthem, Celebrating some of the Most French Moments™ in Anne’s life, Going to High School in Paris: The Reneé Story (Not a happy ending), French Super American Roadhouse Burger Date, Being Watched By Valerie, Standard Trousers (and a Murse), and Where is Nasturtium Avenue? Also: ALL THE BAGUETTES, A Bridge Too Far, Ashtray “Collecting” (Getting the Smack-Down at Maxim’s), Anne’s upcoming birthday, Friends in Paris, Miaou, and Jeff’s Birthday Present. Plus: Our Friend Nell, and RIP our friend, Author Brad Watson.
Tagged as: Valerie Sees All, Rue de la Capuccine, Paris, Nell Hanley, Murse, Midnight in Paris, Miaou, Merse, Jeff Brillinger, France, Brad Watson, Bastille Day.
theannelevineshow July 7, 2020
Amy Cooper is going away (all up in that business), Ivanka (The New Karen™), Talking Summer Skin Care, Covid Stuff (Not Going Away), “No Makeup Makeup,” (2 Options), Spackle Me […]