What the Fudge?
Mattea Lost on Jeopardy, Weird Al Movie, Old Albums (And NEW ones), Smooching Joselyn, The Troublesome Departed™, Abercrombie & Fitch (White Hot), Bruce Weber (ick), Mike Jefferies (also ick), Wood, […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Fly Off theannelevineshow
Who’s birthday did we forget, Electric Green, Another Garbage Year, Buffalo Mass Shooting Victims, Anne’s next Ukraine 242 Interview, Norbert from Austria, The Artemis Fudge Company, The Eurovision Song Contest, Something that happened in the last 15 years, Shining Girls, and the Fast Forward Show™.
Plus: Yasmani Gonzales Morejon gases up the truck (bed), Michael’s Food People, and NYC’s New Polyamorous Potential (the New “Whoring Twenties”).
Tagged as: Victoriia, Ukraine 242, Ukraine, shining Girls, Rebound, OSCE, NYC, electric Green, Buffalo, 15 years.
theannelevineshow May 10, 2022
Mattea Lost on Jeopardy, Weird Al Movie, Old Albums (And NEW ones), Smooching Joselyn, The Troublesome Departed™, Abercrombie & Fitch (White Hot), Bruce Weber (ick), Mike Jefferies (also ick), Wood, […]