Sportsball/Go Sports!
Fanny kicks Valentine’s Day off, Bessie & Ma, When MTV had music videos, Yaya on the show, Hospital Steve, The State of the Music Business, Peter Northcote (Check him out), […]
Daydream Drama Michael
Unstuffing The Bone theannelevineshow
President’s Day (just happened), Biden goes to Kyiv, Tom Lehrer, How to know you’ve made it in LA, Douchecoin, Dogecoin (worth almost 9 cents), HQ Trivia, Covid problems, Rumors in Ukraine, Vinnie the Looper, Unstuffing the Dog Bone, YOUR HONOR Season 2, The Good Doctor, Alaska Daily, and Women & Drinking Coffee (Check this out).
Plus: Mondegreens (Strumming my Face), Shrinking, Fancy Schools and the West Village, Anne Levine – Veteran Driver, Michael Levine – Highway Driver, Hilary Swank’s Character is a Jerk, Anne and Eric’s Waitress Musical is STOLEN, Do it NOW, Don’t Go Making Me Mad, Earthquakes, Shark Attacks, Flaco the Owl, and WE’RE OVER TIME.
An extra 20 minutes of nonsense!
Tagged as: Podcast Extra, Anne Levine, Biden, Biden goes to Kyiv, Coffee, DO IT NOW, Earthquakes, Flaco the Owl, HQ Trivia, Kate in Brooklyn, Mondegreens, Alaska Daily, Presidents Day, Shrinking, The Good Doctor, Ukraine, Vinnie the Looper, Waitress, West Village, Your Honor Season 2.
theannelevineshow February 14, 2023
Fanny kicks Valentine’s Day off, Bessie & Ma, When MTV had music videos, Yaya on the show, Hospital Steve, The State of the Music Business, Peter Northcote (Check him out), […]