Lobster Salad Salad
Anne and Michael’s Anniversary, Simon’s birthday, Anne and Michael both make a huge mistake, What kind of mistake (no idea), Nicholas’ birthday, Jacob, Future birthdays, Giving in to the inevitable, […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Let The Good Times Roll theannelevineshow
Hey everybody, let’s have some fun! Song recommendations, “Her” song, “Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule”, What a BILLION would do, Starting wages for teachers, The Western and Southern Open tennis tournament (Djokovic vs Alcaraz), Harsh Conditions, Get Your Cramping Stuff Together, US Open Tennis, Our friend going to the Open, All the People, and Anne’s mushy brain.
Plus: Guiness World Records Broken, OMG, Ball Bouncing, Cat Jumping, AITA Situation (1st Class Problems, Entitled Plane Passenger), A Rum Punch Christmas with Lar and Em, Larry Levine Returns from Germany, and Mind if I look at your blouse?
Tagged as: Guiness World Records, A Billion, Alcaraz, All the People, Cat Jumping, Cincinnati, Djokovic, Elon Musks Shadow Rule, Emily Levine, Larry Levine, Mushy Brain, Rum Punch Christmas, Tennis, US OPEN TENNIS, Western and Southern Open, William McGleughlin III.
theannelevineshow August 15, 2023
Anne and Michael’s Anniversary, Simon’s birthday, Anne and Michael both make a huge mistake, What kind of mistake (no idea), Nicholas’ birthday, Jacob, Future birthdays, Giving in to the inevitable, […]