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27 Results / Page 3 of 3

Animals and Pets

So NOT The News

theannelevineshow July 26, 2016

This is not the news™ The RNC and Donald’s “entrance”, Waffen SS on an old Trump Tweet, Liars & their lying lies, The Democratic National Convention, Equal Opportunity Abusers, Debbie’s Jew-Fro, Shooting Innocent People FOR NO REASON, Poo Poo Diapers and $133 French Fries. PLUS: Going to the Not-As-Exciting Red […]


Happy Happy Birthday Birthday!!

theannelevineshow July 19, 2016

Happy birthday Anne Levine and EVERYBODY ELSE in the universe! Plus: Current Events, Politics, Summer Time, BAD Restaurant Policy, Straight Outta Egypt, Going Places and The Giant Inflatable Swan. Also: Pokemon Stupidity, The thing about Records and Michael the Forgetter™.

Art & Fashion

Money Money

theannelevineshow April 19, 2016

The Worst Thing to Spend Money On, Switching Money, Throwing Your Money Away, Leave a Penny – Take a Penny, A Real Hate Crime Attempted on Cape Cod, Israel and Palestinians. Plus: The Orange Street News, PlayDate and Is Yiddish about to turn cool?


TV Time Part 3

theannelevineshow June 9, 2015

It’s pretty much ALL TV on this week’s Anne Levine Show! The Briefcase, Middle-Class America, The 2015 Tony awards, Bruce and Caitlyn Jenner, TRIPLE CROWN WINNER, President Obama, wearing your GoPro to the Wedding, Eyelash Farming and Tante Elaine is coming!

Art & Fashion


theannelevineshow April 14, 2015

Understanding Michael’s family, The Dark-Eyed Junco, Nail Polish Colors, DON’T DO THAT, The Historical Ethnicity of Nail Salons, Puerto Rico’s shipping folks to Chicago and Thintwist or TwistyThin – I can’t remember. Plus, Banning Fake Guns at school, Taking up the Crossbow, #GotHuman, What’s wrong with Facebook and Wouldn’t this […]

Art & Fashion

The First Supper

theannelevineshow July 22, 2014

This week’s Anne Levine show is extra special: Tonight, The First Supper, one of many dinner parties/conversations with terribly interesting people. Guests include Drummer Jeff Brillinger, Author Holly LeCraw, Exceptional Salad Maker Theresa Howe and The Traeger Brothers, Hollis & Hamilton. Topics include Immigration, Israel and Gaza, Infrastructure, Medieval Food, […]

Animals and Pets


theannelevineshow March 11, 2014

Medical Stories! The Airy-Fairiest-New-Agey Chiropractor, Spinal Stenosis and Summer Fatigue. Plus: Pictures of Michael, Getting Stuck in a Storm Drain for $20, Fortune Cookies, Scratch Tickets, How To Win the Lotto, The Bird Report™ and News From the Dunes™. Also: A SPECIAL EVENT We are presented You Are There: The […]