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379 Results / Page 25 of 43

Animals and Pets

No Time For Pageants

theannelevineshow August 2, 2016

PODCAST LISTENERS, Michael had a technical malfunction and something weird happened. Here’s what’s left: Experience the Pageantry that is: Miss Philippines, Miss Utah, Miss South Carolina, Miss Ohio, Garrison Keillor, Cocoa the Cat and drunken Sarah Palin! Also: Other CRAZY answers!

Animals and Pets

So NOT The News

theannelevineshow July 26, 2016

This is not the news™ The RNC and Donald’s “entrance”, Waffen SS on an old Trump Tweet, Liars & their lying lies, The Democratic National Convention, Equal Opportunity Abusers, Debbie’s Jew-Fro, Shooting Innocent People FOR NO REASON, Poo Poo Diapers and $133 French Fries. PLUS: Going to the Not-As-Exciting Red […]


Happy Happy Birthday Birthday!!

theannelevineshow July 19, 2016

Happy birthday Anne Levine and EVERYBODY ELSE in the universe! Plus: Current Events, Politics, Summer Time, BAD Restaurant Policy, Straight Outta Egypt, Going Places and The Giant Inflatable Swan. Also: Pokemon Stupidity, The thing about Records and Michael the Forgetter™.

Animals and Pets


theannelevineshow July 12, 2016

This country, and others seem to be going nuts and having a collective nervous breakdown. Racism, fear, hatred EVERYWHERE and Why do we like noise so much? Plus Communications breakdowns, fake food and BLAINE, WE KNOW YOU’RE LISTENING. Plus: Bear Week and how do you get a freaking reservation around […]

Animals and Pets

Dry Balls

theannelevineshow June 28, 2016

Stanley’s real name, What to do with 10 lbs of strawberries, The Show Handler, Watching all the Cooking Shows and These Balls are Dry. Plus: The Supremes do their thing, Heebie Jeebies, Melissa McCarthy’s Fashion Empire, Misusing Language and The WORST MOVIE EVER.

Animals and Pets

10th Anniversary Gala!

theannelevineshow June 7, 2016

Ok, so this show isn’t what we intended but it’s a party anyway! Celebrate The Anne Levine Show’s 10th anniversary with us! Topics: An anti-Semitic moment, The Election, Movies (Where To Invade Next & Deadpool), Are Mexican judges really qualified? Obviously, German Judges are not qualified at all and neither […]

Art & Fashion


theannelevineshow May 31, 2016

Please enjoy this Classic Anne Levine Show: The Anne Levine Memorial Day Show 2009, with guest Emily Levine, will go down as one of the greats. Mother and daughter begin a nostalgic show which rapidly descends into a bawdy good time. Also a call from James the Cabbie. Lucky Pierre!

Animals and Pets


theannelevineshow May 24, 2016

What do you do when a company will only give you a gift card instead of a refund? Come find out! Lord & Taylor are DEAD TO US, All of the Shoes collected over 30 years are GONE, Jew Stores, Online Shopping, GREAT BOOKS and All of the Good Food! […]