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Babies and Breakfast

theannelevineshow May 14, 2010

Anne and Michael once again take to the airwaves and uncover the hidden truths behind the new Film, “Babies”, the total Disaster that is BP’s Gulf Coast Oil hemorrhage, the Idiot that said that our government was behind the Oil Disaster, smoking anywhere and what Siobhan Magnus is up to. […]


The BIG week in review

theannelevineshow May 14, 2010

Welcome to the first Tuesday in May! Anne and Michael get downright verbal and discuss many wonderous things including Siobhan Magnus, the Melody Tent on Cape Cod, travel arrangements for the rich and famous, how to pronounce German terms incorrectly and does Anne really look like Zac Hanson? Topics also […]


The Space Show (revisited)

theannelevineshow April 7, 2010

Join Anne for an episode of The BEST of the Anne Levine Show. The Space Show originally aired September 4th, 2007 and surprisingly enough, has a lot of stuff about space on it. Some new additions to the show (the original recording was a little short) include the theme to […]


Palm Sunday Lizard, Passover Moon

theannelevineshow March 31, 2010

Join Anne and Michael this week as they discuss the deeper meanings of visits by lizards on Palm Sunday, Bomb-sniffing honeybees, Passover Moons, the Vatican (and the mess the Pope finds himself in), the “Bread of Affliction” and why wackos attack hamburger (it’s probably because they don’t clean their homes […]

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Casual Night

theannelevineshow October 27, 2009

This incredible episode catches Anne and Michael discussing what happens when Anne says, “Fine”, as well as Northern Lights Action, the films “Paris” and “Precious” (we hadn’t seen Precious yet), how annoying it is when Michael points at things and the new Windows7 gut bomb. Michael gets unruly. Also, the […]