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104 Results / Page 12 of 12

Animals and Pets

Happy 24th Birthday Vinny!

theannelevineshow April 2, 2013

Celebrate Vinny Levine’s 104th birthday with Anne and Michael while they discuss: April Fool’s Day, Passover, Easter, Brunch (in general), Barking Policemen and Cheap Jewelry. Also: Emergency Flea Training, YouTube shuts down, another Di-Hydro Monoxide Spill, News From the Dunes™ and the return of The Bird Report™. Plus: Ladies. Songs […]

Animals and Pets

Where Are We Now?

theannelevineshow January 15, 2013

Jodie Foster is gay, Lance Armstrong took steroids, organized crime may have had something to do with the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa and Tina and Amy ROCKED the Golden Globes! Also: Tommy Lee Jones and the Grumpy Cat, Guarding your stash, Never be 115, who looked marvelous and What did […]

Animals and Pets

Three Live Jews

theannelevineshow December 11, 2012

Happy Hanukkah! To celebrate, two of our favorite Comedians join the show: Comedian Steve Bluestein, Author of It’s So Hard To Type With A Gun In My Mouth (Now available on Kindle and Nook as well as the tried and true paperback version) AND Dylan Brody, Comedian, Playwright and Purveyor […]

Art & Fashion

revolvo vitualamen

theannelevineshow October 23, 2012

Welcome to a special BEST OF show with guest Ellen Kaye who talks about The Russian Tea Room, Music, Food and her newest venture, Moscow 57. Other topics include the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Dedication (and the Presidential Behavioral Faux Pas), Fashion and Plastic Surgery no-nos from Isaac Mizrahi, […]