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3 Results / Page 1 of 1

Animals and Pets


theannelevineshow July 2, 2013

Stompin’ Tom, Marijuana in Seattle, Meatballs, Dr. George Tillman, Wendy Davis, COOL SHOES and Where were we last week? Also: The End of Affirmative Action, DOMA, Women’s Health Care and Voting Rights, Edward Snowden, the “undead” in Brazil, The multiple Stupidities of Florida™, a VERY HIGH PROFILE Scientologist gets BUSTED […]


Words With Friend

theannelevineshow March 19, 2012

Anne and the Purveyor of fine Words and Phrases™ that is Dylan Brody spend most of the show talking politics, current events and the difficulties inherent in being American woman. Also: Dylan admits to being less than superior to Anne at Words With Friends™. Plus: News From The Dunes™. Song […]


Oh! You’re THAT Dylan!

theannelevineshow February 21, 2012

It’s a PARTY here at The Anne Levine Show! Join Anne and Michael in welcoming Dylan Brody (Purveyor of Fine Words and Phrases) as we gather to usher in his newest CD, Chronological Disorder. Plus: Dylan and Anne have a conversation about groupies, depression, drugs and why colleges are the […]