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Push A Bear Workshop

theannelevineshow June 29, 2021

We have no freaking idea what the date is, P-Town Pride Month, Homophobe Anxiety, Hair (Like Keith), Sunglasses (Not Metal, Frames Please), The Camera Adds Fifty Pounds, Bad Photography, Semi-Garbo™, No Suggestions (Please), America Overheats, Seattle’s Depression Hotline™, And A Teenager Pushes A Bear. Also: Netanyahu is no longer in […]

Animals and Pets

Snow Rage

theannelevineshow February 18, 2014

Steve Bluestein is on the show! Steve’s new book, 49 1/2 Shades of Blue, Stein is earning rave reviews! Anne and Steve talk books, theater and Russian Ancestry. Also: Yet more Olympics, Camels, Mesopotamian Art, More Naked at McDonald’s and How to get out of trouble. Plus, News From the […]

Animals and Pets

Where Are We Now?

theannelevineshow January 15, 2013

Jodie Foster is gay, Lance Armstrong took steroids, organized crime may have had something to do with the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa and Tina and Amy ROCKED the Golden Globes! Also: Tommy Lee Jones and the Grumpy Cat, Guarding your stash, Never be 115, who looked marvelous and What did […]

Animals and Pets


theannelevineshow December 18, 2012

The BEST OF: The Anne Levine Show, originally aired 3/27/12 In celebration of “30 years” of unique and inspiring radio on the Outer Cape, we are having a party! Bill Posley, Stand Up Comedian, U.S. Veteran and castaway from the CBS television show Survivor: One World visits, followed shortly thereafter […]

Animals and Pets

30th Anniversary Special

theannelevineshow March 26, 2012

In celebration of 30 years of unique and inspiring radio on the Outer Cape, we are having a party! Bill Posley, Stand Up Comedian, U.S. Veteran and castaway from the CBS television show Survivor: One World visits, followed shortly thereafter by a truly unique individual: Rick Shapiro may just be […]

Animals and Pets

Alonzo Talks Funny

theannelevineshow March 12, 2012

We have a very special treat for you this week because Alonzo Bodden, winner of Last Comic Standing is on the show! Alonzo and Anne talk comedy, racism, politics and many other things, including how many bones are in your wrist and aircraft maintenance. We’ve also included some very funny […]