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David Bowie

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Trouver Frisson

theannelevineshow November 22, 2022

The World’s Greatest Joiner, Song for the Coddaughter, A Little Something to do, An Official Idea™, Hazel (TV Show), Shirley Booth, Larry Levine Clothing, Bowie: Moonage Daydream, Documentary Now (Trouver frisson), Delores Claiborne, Joyland, Tar (Serious Assignment), The Reign Of Inconvenience (TROI), Harassing Elon (Stick it to the man), Yay […]

Art & Fashion

The Great Cookie Chill-Off

theannelevineshow February 14, 2017

What’s the Deal with Cape Cod, GRAMMYS STUFF, Wonky Studio, Tributes, Singing in the Wrong Key, MOSH PIT, David Bowie’s FIRST MUSIC GRAMMY, Looking like Jay-Z and Oranges from Florida! Also: Fake News, Claire Ryann, CHEETOS, Some Radio Producers are Really Annoying, Everybody’s Gettin’ Somethin’ The Great Cookie Chill-Off, SNL […]

Art & Fashion

Take My Advice. Please.

theannelevineshow January 31, 2017

A glimpse into a world of sartorial advice for the New Administration, What does Kellyanne eat, WHAT NOT TO WEAR, The Know How Look, The Muslim Ban, Being “Stopped”, Smokes if ya got’em, YAY CANADA, POTUS, The British Petition to Ban Trump and fighting to good fight. Falmouth is the […]

Animals and Pets

New Star

theannelevineshow January 12, 2016

It’s that time of year, We’ve got Politicians in trouble, Eight Year Old Kitchen Wizards, Bring your Parents to Work Day, Boy Kim has a hissy fit, POWERBALL Madness, Stupid Headphones and Who the hell is Michael Weatherly and why does Grandma care? Also: Don’t go to Wisconsin, Poisoning Flint, […]

Animals and Pets

Where Are We Now?

theannelevineshow January 15, 2013

Jodie Foster is gay, Lance Armstrong took steroids, organized crime may have had something to do with the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa and Tina and Amy ROCKED the Golden Globes! Also: Tommy Lee Jones and the Grumpy Cat, Guarding your stash, Never be 115, who looked marvelous and What did […]