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Garrison Keillor

22 Results / Page 1 of 3

Animals and Pets

No Time For Pageants

theannelevineshow August 2, 2016

PODCAST LISTENERS, Michael had a technical malfunction and something weird happened. Here’s what’s left: Experience the Pageantry that is: Miss Philippines, Miss Utah, Miss South Carolina, Miss Ohio, Garrison Keillor, Cocoa the Cat and drunken Sarah Palin! Also: Other CRAZY answers!

Animals and Pets

Name Game

theannelevineshow March 22, 2016

Spring 2016 allegedly arrives in New England at the same time as Winter Storm Regis, weather, weather, Plimoth Plantationists “storm” the beach at Corn Hill, the Douchebag™ Burger, Seafood (which in turn led to), NAMING STUFF, The Most Expensive Meals in the World and buying a BMW with Food Stamps. […]

Animals and Pets

RIP Tori Spelling

theannelevineshow April 1, 2014

Tori Spelling, age 40: Actress, Author, Mother and daughter of the late Aaron Spelling has died due to complications from surgery. Also, Tig Nataro, Sarah Vowell and the death of Wacky. Plus: Garrison Keillor, The Bird Report™ and News From the Dunes™.

Animals and Pets

Happy New Year 2013!

theannelevineshow January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! Anne and Michael break away from the New Year’s Eve Party to bring you: The Christmas that wasn’t, New Year’s Traditions, People Who Died and Feng Shui Underwear Options. Also: Our first contest of the Year! Join in and you might win exclusive Anne Levine Show Loot! […]

Art & Fashion

Embrace Fall (NUNYA)

theannelevineshow August 28, 2012

Coats, “Mothers Little Helper”, the “Amy Winehouse Depression”, Retail Therapy, Hurricanes and The Candy Corn Man (Donald Trump) are just the first 20 minutes of this jam-packed show! Also, the Republican National Convention, public humiliation as correction, real learnin’ in Kentucky, The Creation Science Hall of Fame and orgasms every […]

Animals and Pets

The Big Headline

theannelevineshow July 2, 2012

Happy Independence Day from The Anne Levine Show! To celebrate, we offer: The BIG Headline, A trip to Tanglewood, SCOTUS decides, Boehner “cries” and POTUS describes. Also: Arlo Guthrie in Concert, Drunk Mike and his SHILELAGH, The Bird Report™, attacking someone with peanut butter and a sword, Hold on sweetie […]

Animals and Pets

Hour. Back! Get It?

theannelevineshow April 30, 2012

President Obama Kills at the White house Correspondents Dinner, Alex Castellano hates Women, Taking Credit for accomplishments is BAD, Michael interrupts, Chilled Watermelon Soup, Anne’s REALLY big closet (it has its own closet) and some Garrison Kiellor. Plus: Listener Letters™ and News From The Dunes™. Songs include: Goodnight Irene