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Green Day

2 Results / Page 1 of 1


Sex Hammer

theannelevineshow September 25, 2012

It’s a big show this week: Fresh from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and practicing lines for a new movie, Rick Shapiro makes an appearance on the show!Rick and Anne discuss Mitt Romney, health care (and health scares), new movies, projects and lots of attitude. Also: Stupid white people are dying, […]

Love & Dating

1st Annual American Idiots Roundup

theannelevineshow July 23, 2012

While the show is not idiotic, most of the people in the stories are. We present the following (for your edification and education): Chick-Fil-A is Anti-Gay, Homeland Security Disables Garage Door Openers For Entire Neighborhood, Masterpiece Cakeshop Refuses Business, Westoboro Baptist and the latest round of Gun Rights talk. Also: […]