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4 Results / Page 1 of 1

Art & Fashion

Orange Is The New Whack

theannelevineshow January 24, 2017

It’s the End of the World as we Know it, Happy Birthdays, The 2017 Women’s March, Protesting, LAPTOP ISSUES, Cabinet Appointments, Betsy DeVos, Planned Parenthood, Kellyanne Conway, The Bald Piano Guy, All Wives Matter and Sean Spicer’s Fashion Troubles. PLUS: ALTERNATIVE FACTS – Anne Levine is now a size 4 […]

Animals and Pets

Aloha OY!

theannelevineshow April 22, 2014

Our Hawaiian names, Jews in Hawaii, Swan Pastry, the Boston Marathon, Dr. Randy Silverstein and his balloons. Plus: Easter, He’s Chinese, What to do NEXT winter, FOCUS MICHAEL, Pinterest and News From the Dunes™. SPECIAL BONUS: Another visit with Vic & Sade Courtesy of Michael’s Midnight Matinee!

Animals and Pets

More of the Same. No, Really.

theannelevineshow January 7, 2014

Celebrate many things French while Anne explains her nom de bousiller, Michael repeats himself again and Joanie calls in to discuss Anglo/French history. Also: Where to survive the end of the world, Yurts, John Cusack’s fitness to carry on the human race, Charlie Sheen parodies, John Galliano, banning burkas and […]

Animals and Pets


theannelevineshow April 9, 2012

Rick Shapiro is back and he’s brought everything except his clothes with him! Anne, Michael and Rick discuss philosophies, politics and yes, justice along with many other things on tonight’s Anne Levine Show. Also: What Easter was or wasn’t, A Shift in Religious Focus, Jo Stafford, Tom Jones and Devout […]