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Jimmy Kimmel

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Art & Fashion

Q: What Time is it? A: Gary Oldman.

theannelevineshow March 6, 2018

Kids and F-Bombs, The One who’s listening, Anne leaves a window open, REALITY SHOWS on TV, People who make food should know how to make TOAST, The Frog Person, And What kind of bra do you need for Survivor™? The 90th Academy Awards, Presenter Problems (WEAR YOUR GLASSES), Driving through […]

Animals and Pets

Holly Woodchipper

theannelevineshow February 28, 2017

Rabbit Rabbit, OSCAR TALK, The Disastrous Red Carpet, Hair Hat, Jimmy Kimmel, Flying Donuts, Meryl Says Hi, Chasing Celebrities, Current Events, We talk to Dylan Brody about his New Special, “Dylan Brody’s Driving Hollywood” and Michael is the guy you send out of the room when you want your team […]

Animals and Pets

Happy New Year 2013!

theannelevineshow January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! Anne and Michael break away from the New Year’s Eve Party to bring you: The Christmas that wasn’t, New Year’s Traditions, People Who Died and Feng Shui Underwear Options. Also: Our first contest of the Year! Join in and you might win exclusive Anne Levine Show Loot! […]

Animals and Pets

Hour. Back! Get It?

theannelevineshow April 30, 2012

President Obama Kills at the White house Correspondents Dinner, Alex Castellano hates Women, Taking Credit for accomplishments is BAD, Michael interrupts, Chilled Watermelon Soup, Anne’s REALLY big closet (it has its own closet) and some Garrison Kiellor. Plus: Listener Letters™ and News From The Dunes™. Songs include: Goodnight Irene