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3 Results / Page 1 of 1


Dry Balls

theannelevineshow June 28, 2016

Stanley’s real name, What to do with 10 lbs of strawberries, The Show Handler, Watching all the Cooking Shows and These Balls are Dry. Plus: The Supremes do their thing, Heebie Jeebies, Melissa McCarthy’s Fashion Empire, Misusing Language and The WORST MOVIE EVER.


Ersatz Polyglotism

theannelevineshow July 28, 2015

Hello and come on in, Spanish with an Italian accent, Federated ate the world, Coloring Pee, Scientology, The CN Tower and walking on air. Plus: Mike Huckabee says an utterly stupid thing, The Holocaust, Doing your own stunts, Brooks Brothers are Old Fashioned, MORE BIRTHDAY and One Type of Person […]


Yes or No?

theannelevineshow January 22, 2013

This Week’s Contest to Win Fabulous Prizes: Tell us how to say “Yes” and “No” in as many languages as you can. Write it here, tell it to us on the Studio Hotline™ (508) 285-9293 or email us at: anne @ annelevineradio . com EXTRA CREDIT for saying “Maybe” in […]