Crock-Pot Dump Show
An education on Israel and Palestine, Anne feels better about German, Speaking Yiddish, The Bird Report™, Dump Dinners, Tracy Morgan and Larry David is Bernie Sanders.
An education on Israel and Palestine, Anne feels better about German, Speaking Yiddish, The Bird Report™, Dump Dinners, Tracy Morgan and Larry David is Bernie Sanders.
Jodie Foster is gay, Lance Armstrong took steroids, organized crime may have had something to do with the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa and Tina and Amy ROCKED the Golden Globes! Also: Tommy Lee Jones and the Grumpy Cat, Guarding your stash, Never be 115, who looked marvelous and What did […]
Happy New Year! Anne and Michael break away from the New Year’s Eve Party to bring you: The Christmas that wasn’t, New Year’s Traditions, People Who Died and Feng Shui Underwear Options. Also: Our first contest of the Year! Join in and you might win exclusive Anne Levine Show Loot! […]