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4 Results / Page 1 of 1


Breakfast Every Five Minutes

theannelevineshow October 7, 2010

The Year is going by really fast, Michael has sushi for the very first time, Anne predicts Rick Sanchez’s next employer and The Ultimate BFF. Plus, Fred Phelps, disbarred lawyer and current pastor of the Westboro Baptist church gets his day in court, the sadness that is the Tyler Clemeti […]


The Big Birthday Bash 2010

theannelevineshow July 18, 2010

October is a very busy month as evidenced by the enormous number of July babies. Celebrate the debut of many fascinating people and discover the mysteries of the World Cup, Adrian Beltre’s head, Clam Bakes, the festering circus surrounding LeBron James and what not to show your one-armed, one-legged monkey. Plus, […]


Palm Sunday Lizard, Passover Moon

theannelevineshow March 31, 2010

Join Anne and Michael this week as they discuss the deeper meanings of visits by lizards on Palm Sunday, Bomb-sniffing honeybees, Passover Moons, the Vatican (and the mess the Pope finds himself in), the “Bread of Affliction” and why wackos attack hamburger (it’s probably because they don’t clean their homes […]

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The Beergate 2009 Show

theannelevineshow August 18, 2009

The many topics of this show include Who wants to be a Millionaire and Jodi Picoult, Venues and Kettles of vultures, The Brigham and women’s Hospital, The Duck Tour of Boston and riding along with Disco Dan, The Hellman’s sandwich survey, Do NOT feed the bears, The Welsh guy who […]