More is More With J-Ko
Jesse Kornbluth, your Trusted Cultural Advisor at joins the show tonight (Cyber Monday) to talk about the BEST Christmas gifts to give, Occupy Wall Street, Commune Living and new looks […]
Bikinis to Beekeeping Michael
Whitney Dow talks about film making, Haiti, fundraising in the film industry, Michael Moore and being on Oprah. His newest film, When The Drum Is Beating will be released in theaters early next year. Also: The Christmas Assault, Listener Letters™ and What if Hanukkah was like Christmas? Plus: Where our listeners are, how much it will cost to go to the beach, changing your mind and a really BIG book & News From The Dunes™.
Songs include: Does Anybody Love You? and Cap-Haitien
Tagged as: Dennis: Cape Cod, Whitney Dow, When The Drum Is Beating, Two-Tone Productions, Septentrional, Peabody Award, Oprah, News from the Dunes™, Michael Moore, Listener Letters, Kickstart, Hanukkah, Haiti, Emmy Award, Documentary Film, Christmas, Cap-Haitien.
theannelevineshow November 29, 2011
Jesse Kornbluth, your Trusted Cultural Advisor at joins the show tonight (Cyber Monday) to talk about the BEST Christmas gifts to give, Occupy Wall Street, Commune Living and new looks […]