Rick Shapiro is back and he’s brought everything except his clothes with him! Anne, Michael and Rick discuss philosophies, politics and yes, justice along with many other things on tonight’s […]
Daydream Drama Michael
Anne and Michael discuss a very Massachusetts sort of thing: Patriots’ Day, the commemoration of the battles of Lexington and Concord, the beginning of the American Revolution. Some people know a little bit about this history, some people think they know and others know nothing at all. You, yourself will know where you fall after listening to this show. Also: Gun violence in this country is out of control, The Boston Marathon, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Pinterest and some Garrison Keillor. Plus: Listener Letters™ and News From the Dunes™.
Tagged as: Patriots' Day, Anne Levine, Boston Marathon, Claudine, Hopkinton, Kenyan, Lexington and Concord, Listener Letters, Michele Bachmann, News from the Dunes™, Amy Pole, Paul Revere, Pinterest, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Sarah Palin, Spring, The Shot Heard 'Round The World, Weather, Amy Brillinger Pole.
theannelevineshow April 9, 2012
Rick Shapiro is back and he’s brought everything except his clothes with him! Anne, Michael and Rick discuss philosophies, politics and yes, justice along with many other things on tonight’s […]