Dark Web
Thanksgiving reports, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday… Been a busy week! Also: Alexandra Rodriguez, Buying Credit Cards, The Dark Web. Plus: Lisa Marshall’s bosom(s), Dr. Stretchface™, Botox and Thanks In Advance.
Thanksgiving reports, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday… Been a busy week! Also: Alexandra Rodriguez, Buying Credit Cards, The Dark Web. Plus: Lisa Marshall’s bosom(s), Dr. Stretchface™, Botox and Thanks In Advance.
Anne is not a fan of Facebook, Online Games, Karl wears the same suit for a year and Anne will cough up $100 if you can tell her what she’s wearing. Also: The Comedy that is Organ Transplantation, Wolf Hall, Broadway and Anne Confesses.
NEW DRUG ALERT: ShopinEX Now AVAILABLE, It will make you happy! Also: Online Customer Service, What Kind of Boots for Winter, Dying Print, Blowing Out Your Shoe and How hard can it be to buy a chair?
Anne evaluates a new potato chip flavor on the air, The Lays thing, Customer Service, The Away Kit, eBay, SCREW YOU and The Bone-in Jacket are all part of this week’s very funny Anne Levine Show!
Dear Listeners, there is a very good reason why the podcast of last night’s Anne Levine Show is a little late. Anne’s very first words will inform you as to why. Also: Dr. Dentist, Cellulitis, at the beach with the Aliens, Lighting Rocks on Fire and more Garment Center Stories!
Independence Day, Saying goodbye to a dear friend, The Karaoke Bird, Being the translator, Walmart sells Holocaust Memorabilia, Everybody’s coming to the Cape, The Magic Bullet and What does the Holy Ghost do? Also, Tennis, The World Cup, The Bird Report™ and How Old do you like your surgeon?
BIG WEEK: Anne tells about her stay in a Boston hospital, Dr. O., Dr. J., Dr. Dan and the nurse “From Africa” figure prominently. Also: Kate stops by the studio! Plus: Canada Day, Independence Day and Gay Pride.
So, Mercury in retrograde and all of the stuff that comes along with it, The Little Tree Hoax, Acid attack in Vienna, How to literally fracture your penis (it’s a real thing), Kidnapping in Israel and Mosey the Raccoon, you see.
Starting from the end and working our way back: What the hell was Hugh Jackman doing at The Tony’s, Joe and Dan’s Country Club Wedding, PLATINUM HAIR, Marrying ‘old’ and the Top Secret Project. Also: What NOT to Wear, Chilling out with The League of Women Voters, The Liquid Arts […]